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Orientation Week

Exploring the Campus

The International European University, Ukraine – Malta Campus always does its best to insure all of the freshmen feel confident and welcomed when they first arrive in Gzira! When students arrive in Malta, they are greeted by the IEU staff and taken to their accommodation. They have a chance to relax and settle in before attending an orientation session where we will explain all the important things about living in Malta, including information about everyday spending, the city map, and their personal schedules.

The campus is a good place to start the exploration of the university! It is the center of all academic activity, and students can find all the facilities they need here. There are several libraries on campus that can be used for research purposes or just for reading a book in peace. The lecture theatres offer a wide range of courses in different subjects, while computer labs provide students with access to computers and printers so they can complete their assignments at any time during their stay at IEU.

The accommodation options available on campus include single rooms or shared flats with other international students who have come from different countries around the world as well!

Meeting Teachers and Fellow Students

Students have the opportunity to meet their future educators and fellow students before their first week of classes. At the opening session of each course, students are introduced to their professor or teaching assistant, who will tell more about their background and how they can help them in their studies. Students also have some time for questions at this point.

Students have an opportunity to meet alumni from their program or other students from around the world who are currently studying at IEU Malta. This is a great way for international students to get advice about life in Malta as well as tips on how to prepare for academic success here!

The first week of study abroad experience is an opportunity to explore the city and get a feel for the culture. If our freshmen are interested in taking part in any local events, such as festivals or carnivals, this is also an excellent time to do so! We also encourage our nubies to visit museums and galleries and explore the historic sites of Gzira. The orientation week is the best time for making friends, joining student organizations, attending social events, and making connections with other students and faculty members, who can provide freshmen with valuable advice and support throughout their time at IEU.

Exploring the Island

The first week of students’ stay in Malta is also the perfect time to explore the island and get to know its natural wonders. The beaches are great for swimming, sunbathing, snorkeling, and other water sports such as windsurfing or kitesurfing. If students are looking for something more adventurous than lying on a beach towel all day long (which wouldn’t be bad either), there are many hiking trails that take you through beautiful forests and offer stunning views of the valleys below.

If we know our newbies are interested in learning more about Malta’s history – then visiting some of its historical sites would be a good idea–the Hypogeum or Tarxien Temples are two popular options but there are many others as well!

International students have the opportunity to become part of a diverse community and experience life in one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. The first week at IEU is an exciting time for all new students as they make their way into their new homes away from their homeland. It can be daunting at first but with some preparation beforehand students always find it much easier than expected!

Clean up Malta!

Clean up Malta!

Malta is known for its beaches, ancient temples, and historic cities. The importance of keeping nature clean has been highlighted by the government and the IEU, Ukraine – Malta Campus through various campaigns such as ‘Clean Up Malta’. Students can contribute towards this by taking part in cleaning activities organized by IEU communities.

The Natural Beauty of Malta

Malta is a small island nation in the Mediterranean Sea with a population of just over half a million people. The country’s natural beauty is one of its most important assets, as it attracts tourists from all over the world to experience its unique landscape and wildlife.

There are two main types of landscapes in Malta: coastal and inland. Coastal areas are characterized by rocky shores, sandy beaches, and cliffs that drop down into deep blue waters dotted with small islands; inland regions feature rolling hills dotted with trees such as olive groves or almond trees (which give us our delicious amaretti biscuits!).

The wildlife found here includes birds such as peacocks and flamingos; reptiles like tortoises; mammals like bats and rabbits; invertebrates like snails – oh wait! We don’t have any snails because they’re bad news for plants so we’ve got rid of them! There are also lots more creatures living here but we don’t want you getting bored reading about them all so let’s move on!

The Role of Students in Keeping Nature Clean

IEU students always play an important role in keeping nature clean. They participate in community projects, educate their peers and encourage them to participate in these activities as well. There are several environmental laws and regulations in Malta. The Waste Management Act, the Environmental Protection Act, and the Nature Conservation Act are some of them. These laws aim to protect our environment by regulating how we dispose of waste and how we use natural resources like water or land.

Environmental education in IEU, Ukraine – Malta Campus is a field of study to teach students about the environment and its importance. In Malta, environmental education is taught in schools and universities to cover topics such as recycling, energy conservation, and climate change. Activities like planting trees or cleaning up beaches take place at the University as well to help students learn about nature while having fun!

There are many ways to help keep the environment clean. Whether it’s picking up litter on your way home from school or buying products that are made with recycled materials, every small action counts! If you want to get started right away, here are some tips:

  • Bring your own bag when shopping for groceries or other items so that fewer plastic bags end up in landfills.
  • When eating out at restaurants, ask for a takeout container instead of using disposable ones (or bring your own). This will reduce waste overall since most people don’t think about what happens after they throw away their food containers – they just assume they’ll be thrown away!

Students who wish to join the “Clean up Malta!’ organization and help to keep the island clean should contact the head of the student body. Let’s protect nature together!

Film and Theater Club is Open!

Film and Theater Club is Open!

Film&Theater Club at International European University, Ukraine – Malta Campus is a popular way for students to explore their interests in Cinema and Performing Arts, while also engaging in social activities and building a sense of community with like-minded individuals. The extracurricular club provides opportunities for students to watch films and attend theatre productions, as well as to participate in various activities related to filmmaking and theatre production.

We are happy to announce that the International European University, Ukraine – Malta Campus opens its Film&Theater Club!

One of the primary activities of Film&Theater Club is film screenings. Our Club organizes regular movie nights where IEU, Ukraine – Malta Campus students can gather to watch and discuss films, followed by group discussions and analysis. Film and Theater Club at the IEU, Malta organizes Film Festivals or Showcase Events, where students can screen their films or show films they have made in collaboration with other students.

In addition to watching films, Film&Theater Club organizes filmmaking workshops and training sessions. These sessions include instruction on various aspects of film production, such as cinematography, editing, and sound design. Students can also learn about different genres and styles of filmmaking, as well as the technical and creative aspects of filmmaking.

The club aims at nurturing the creative and analytical potential of students through performance theater. Drama is one unique form of art that explores the avenues of playwriting, stage designing, directing, and acting. While highlighting these aspects of play-acting, the club primarily focuses on introducing and appreciating different forms of theater to students. Lecture sessions and workshops on British Theater are the foundation of club activity.

Our Film&Theater Club provides opportunities for IEU, Ukraine – Malta Campus students to engage in theatre productions, whether as performers, writers, or directors. We put on our productions, ranging from classic plays to modern productions, and collaborate with other clubs or departments both in Maltese universities and foreign universities.

In addition to staging productions, our Film&Theater Club organizes workshops and training sessions. It includes acting classes, improvisation workshops, and other theatre-related training. The IEU, Ukraine – Malta Campus students can learn about the history and theory of theatre, as well as the various styles and techniques used in different types of performances.

Our Film&Theater Club is a social hub for students, providing a space for them to interact with others who share similar interests. Film&Theater Club organizes social events such as group outings to theatres or cinemas, parties, or other activities that help members bond and form friendships.

Film&Theater Club at the International European University, Ukraine – Malta Campus is waiting for you!

Discovering Gzira

Discovering Gzira

Gzira is a hidden gem in Malta that is waiting to be explored! The International European University in Malta has welcomed its first-year students with an engaging introductory tour of the city. The tour aimed to familiarize newcomers with the vibrant culture, historical landmarks, and local attractions, ensuring they feel connected to their new home and community right from the start of their academic journey. Gzira offers a unique blend of old-world charm and modern amenities, making it an excellent destination for travelers who are looking for an authentic Maltese experience. Gzira is a multicultural city, with a strong Arabic influence. The Maltese language is spoken by most people here, but many also speak English and Italian as well. Religion plays an important role in the lives of most locals; there are many churches throughout Gzira holding services in different languages including Arabic and English.

Cultural Venue of Gzira

One of the main reasons to visit Gzira is its beautiful architecture. Fort Manoel, located on Manoel Island near Gżira, Malta, is a remarkable 18th-century fortification that has undergone extensive restoration efforts. The historical gem serves as an important testament to Malta’s military history and doubles as a versatile cultural venue. Over the years, it has been thoughtfully utilized for a variety of cultural events, captivating exhibitions, and captivating performances. Its rich heritage and well-preserved architecture make it an intriguing destination for history enthusiasts and a dynamic space for contemporary cultural expression, adding depth to Malta’s vibrant cultural landscape.

The Manoel Theatre stands as an iconic and cherished cultural gem in Malta, holding the esteemed title of Europe’s oldest continuously operational theater. The historic institution plays a pivotal role in the country’s cultural fabric, serving as a beacon of artistic expression and appreciation. Its diverse and versatile program offers a wide spectrum of cultural experiences, including classical music concerts, operatic masterpieces, mesmerizing ballet performances, and captivating theatrical productions. The theater’s enduring legacy, coupled with its unwavering dedication to promoting and celebrating the arts, has solidified its position as a beloved and vital cultural hub for the residents of Malta and for visitors seeking to immerse themselves in the island’s rich cultural heritage.

Outdoor Activities in Gzira

Gżira, much like other towns in Malta, embraces the rich heritage of traditional Maltese festivals, providing a captivating window into local culture and traditions. The festive occasions typically feature colorful processions where intricately adorned statues of saints are paraded through the streets, accompanied by resounding music from local bands. The air comes alive with the enchantment of fireworks displays lighting up the night sky and adding a sense of celebration and unity. Festivals are a testament to Malta’s deep-rooted traditions and an opportunity for locals and visitors alike to partake in the island’s vibrant cultural legacy.

Gżira’s proximity to the sea and its picturesque surroundings make it an ideal location for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy various recreational activities while taking in the beauty of the Mediterranean landscape. Gzira-Sliema promenade is a perfect destination for a leisure stroll. The scenic waterfront pathway offers beautiful views of the sea, Valletta’s skyline, and the neighboring Manoel Island. The Yacht Marina on Manoel Island offers an amazing opportunity to admire the boats and enjoy the maritime atmosphere. Manoel Island and its gardens are home to various bird species, making it an excellent spot for bird watching.

Gżira emerges as an ideal destination for individuals seeking a tranquil vacation or pursuing a high-quality education. It distinguishes itself from the bustling tourist hubs of Malta, offering a serene and unhurried atmosphere allowing students and tourists to embrace a more relaxed pace of life. Gżira’s allure lies in its captivating architecture, vibrant cultural scene, delectable cuisine, and picturesque surroundings. Whether you’re a student eager to embark on an educational journey or a traveler in search of a charming escape, Gżira has something to offer everyone. Every student has an opportunity to pack their bags and experience the enchantment of Gżira firsthand with IEU, Malta!

Exploring Malta

Exploring Malta

Malta is a small island nation in the Mediterranean Sea, located in the south of Italy. Despite its small size, Malta provides several excellent opportunities for higher education, making it a great place to study for students from all over the world. Higher education in Malta provides students with a high-quality education recognized across Europe. With a variety of degree courses and study programs of IEU, Ukraine – Malta Campus to choose from, students can find the appropriate one for their interests and career aspirations.

High-Quality Education

One of the main reasons why students choose to study in Malta is the high-quality education provided by the country’s universities. Universities of Malta, including the IEU, Ukraine – Malta Campus, are highly regarded for their study curriculums and research projects, particularly in the fields of law, medicine, and engineering. Its research and innovation activity makes them an excellent option for students looking to pursue research-based careers.

The universities of Malta are known for their collaborative research efforts with educational institutions both in Malta and abroad. It gives its students the opportunity to become part of a multinational student community and take part in academic mobility programs or internships in both the public and private sectors.

Over 20% of the country’s budget is dedicated to education. This makes Malta a great place for students looking to have an international experience while studying in Europe. The country has a strong economy and offers plenty of job opportunities for students after graduation.

Multicultural Environment

Malta is a multicultural country, with a diverse population made up of people from all over the world. This makes it an excellent place for international students to study, as they can experience different cultures and make new friends from all over the world. The country is also known for its hospitality, making it easy for international students to adapt to a new environment.

Malta’s official languages are Maltese and English. Both languages are widely spoken throughout the country. Many Maltese people are bilingual or even trilingual, speaking Italian or another European language. Such linguistic diversity adds to the country’s multicultural character, creating a rich tapestry of cultures and identities.

Malta’s multicultural environment is also reflected in its cuisine, music, art, and festivals. Maltese cuisine is a blend of Mediterranean, Italian, and Arabic influences, with dishes such as pastizzi, and rabbit stew. The country’s music scene is also diverse, featuring traditional Maltese folk music, as well as modern pop and rock music from local and international artists. Malta also hosts a range of cultural festivals throughout the year, including the Malta International Arts Festival, the Malta Jazz Festival, and the Valletta Film Festival, among others.

Affordable Cost of Living

One of the most significant advantages of studying in Malta is the affordable cost of living. The cost of living in the country is lower than in other popular study-abroad destinations, such as the UK and the US. It means students can save money on accommodation, food, and other expenses, making it easier to budget for their studies.

The cost of living in Malta can vary depending on several factors such as location, lifestyle, accommodation, and personal preferences. Housing is one of the largest expenses in Malta. Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center can range from around €500 to €900 per month, depending on the location and the quality of the apartment. Outside of the city center, rent for a one-bedroom apartment can range from around €400 to €800 per month.

Food and groceries are generally affordable in Malta. A typical meal at a local restaurant can cost around €10 to €20 per person. Basic groceries such as bread, milk, and eggs are reasonably priced, while imported goods can be more expensive.

The cost of higher education in Malta is relatively low compared to other European countries. Public universities and colleges charge tuition fees, but these are heavily subsidized by the government. Private institutions can charge higher fees, but students can save money on other expenses.

Scenery and Climate

Malta is a beautiful country with a warm climate and stunning scenery. The country is known for its crystal-clear waters, beautiful beaches, and stunning architecture. This makes it an excellent place for students who want to study in a relaxing and peaceful environment.

Malta has a Mediterranean climate, with hot and dry summers and mild winters. The average temperature in the summer months (June-August) ranges from 24 to 30 degrees Celsius, while the average temperature in the winter months (December-February) ranges from 12 to 18 degrees Celsius. It makes Malta a great study and travel destination for people all over the world.

Malta is known for its beautiful scenery. The country is surrounded by crystal-clear waters and boasts some of the most stunning beaches in Europe, such as Golden Bay and Mellieha Bay. There are several picturesque fishing villages, such as Marsaxlokk and Marsaskala, which offer charming views of colorful boats and traditional Maltese architecture.

Job Opportunities

Malta is an excellent place for students to work while studying. The country’s economy is growing rapidly, and there are plenty of job opportunities available for students. The government also offers a post-study work visa, which allows international students to work in Malta for up to two years after completing their studies. Malta has a growing economy and is known for having a diverse range of job opportunities. Some of the major industries in Malta include financial services, medicine, and management.

Other industries in Malta, such as healthcare, also offer job opportunities. Malta has a growing economy with a diverse range of job prospects, making it an attractive destination for those seeking employment opportunities in a variety of fields. Higher education in Malta is an excellent opportunity for students who want to study in a multicultural environment, enjoy a beautiful climate and scenery, and access affordable education. The country’s work-life balance is an attractive factor, making it a great place for students to study and live. The country’s high-quality education, combined with its low cost of living and job opportunities, make it an excellent choice for students from all over the world.

Student Life in Malta

Student Life in Malta

Malta is a great destination for international students who are looking for a diverse range of activities beyond their studies. Whether you are looking for adventure, culture, or simply a good time, there are plenty of student activities in Malta to choose from.

Malta is surrounded by crystal-clear waters and boasts some of the most stunning beaches in Europe, such as Golden Bay and Mellieha Bay. Students can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and a variety of water sports, including scuba diving, snorkeling, jet skiing, and parasailing. The country has a strong sporting culture, with many sports clubs available for students to join.

If you’re looking for nightlife, Malta has plenty of options for persons of all ages and preferences. Bormla is the most popular destination for nightlife in Malta, with several bars, clubs, and restaurants along the coast. Students can enjoy live music, dancing, and socializing with their peers. If you want something more low-key than clubbing but still want an exciting night out with friends – check out some live music performances at local pubs.

There are also plenty of cultural events taking place throughout the year such as theatre productions by the University of Malta, and art exhibitions at Museums & Galleries around town. The National Museum Of Fine Arts Of Valletta showcases paintings by renowned artists like Caravaggio and other Italian artists. Museums and art galleries are great places to boost your knowledge about Maltese culture and history and become the part of Maltese Multicultural Community.

If you’re a foodie, then there’s no better way to get to know the Maltese culture than through their cuisine. Malta is famous for its pastizzi but there are many more traditional dishes you should try out like rabbit stew with olives and almonds or seafood pasta dishes with fresh clams.

There are several student organizations and volunteer groups in Malta offering opportunities to connect with international students, make new friends, and engage in social and community service activities. Students can participate in activities such as beach cleanups, charity events, and fundraising drives. It not only provides a sense of fulfillment but also is a great way to network and make connections with other students and locals.

In conclusion, Malta is one of the most popular study destinations in Europe. It offers a wide range of activities and experiences that enrich the student life experience and knowledge about Maltese culture, both academically and socially. With its beautiful beaches, rich culture, and vibrant social scene, Malta is an excellent destination for students who want to have fun, learn, and make lifelong memories.

European Standards of Education

European Standards of Education

Education is an essential aspect of personal and societal development. In Europe, the standards of education are set by the European Union (EU) and the Council of Europe (CoE) to ensure all citizens receive a quality education meeting the needs of the globalized world. These standards cover a wide range of aspects of education, including curriculum, qualifications, and teacher training, among others.

One of the key aspects of the European standards of education is the emphasis on a broad and balanced curriculum with providing students with a range of knowledge, skills, and competencies. The curriculum is designed to foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, as well as to promote cultural diversity and social cohesion. The curriculum also includes digital skills and entrepreneurship, which are considered essential in the current globalized economy.

Another important aspect of European standards of education is the recognition and validation of qualifications. The EU and CoE have developed a European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and a European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), which allow for the recognition and transfer of qualifications across Europe. This ensures qualifications obtained in one country are recognized in other countries, making it easier for students to pursue further education or employment opportunities across Europe.

Teacher training is also a key aspect of European standards of education. Teachers are expected to have the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to deliver high-quality education to students. Teacher training programs are designed to equip teachers with the necessary pedagogical and subject knowledge, as well as to provide them with opportunities for continuous professional development.

In addition to these aspects, European standards of education also emphasize the importance of inclusive education. All students, regardless of their background, should have equal access to quality education. This includes students with disabilities, migrant and refugee students, and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Inclusive education also involves promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding and promoting respect for diversity and human rights.

Finally, European standards of education also emphasize the importance of lifelong learning. Education is not limited to formal schooling but also includes informal and non-formal learning opportunities. Lifelong learning involves continuous education and training throughout one’s life, to keep up with the evolving demands of the labor market and society. This also includes promoting adult education and upskilling opportunities for those who have missed out on formal education or need to update their skills.


City History Day

City History Day

The annual City History Day event is a cherished tradition at the International European University in Malta, specially designed for newly arrived international students. The event celebrates the enchanting city of Gżira and delves into its rich history. It serves as a cultural immersion experience, allowing students to explore Maltese customs and traditions basking in the stunning views along Gżira’s picturesque coastline. One of the event’s highlights is witnessing the mesmerizing sight of Valletta illuminated at night, enclosed by its historic walls. City History Day fosters a sense of belonging and connection to the local culture, making it a memorable and educational experience for all participants.

Gżira is a charming city nestled in the heart of the Central Region of Malta, strategically positioned between the bustling towns of Msida and Sliema. The name “Gżira” itself holds significance in the Maltese language, translating to “island.” The name is a nod to the town’s geographical context, as it is situated in close proximity to Manoel Island, which lies to the east of Gżira. Its picturesque location along the Mediterranean coastline provides residents and visitors alike with stunning views and easy access to the waterfront. Gżira’s coastal charm, rich history, and vibrant community make it a sought-after destination and a place where tradition and modernity coexist harmoniously.

Looking Back

The Knights of St. John played a significant role in the history of Gzira and Malta in general. They fortified the islands extensively, including the construction of Fort Manoel on Manoel Island, which is part of Gżira. It was constructed by Grandmaster Manuel de Vilhena in 1726. The historical significance of this small piece of land predates this construction. In 1634, Grandmaster Jean-Paul Lascaris established a quarantine hospital on the island. It served as a refuge for patients afflicted with plagues and cholera, particularly individuals arriving on ships during times of war. In the middle of the 19th century, Gżira saw the construction of a villa by Chevalier Jacob Tagliaferro, marking the beginnings of its transformation into a working-class suburb of Sliema. 

Malta’s history during the 19th and mid-20th centuries was marked by British colonial rule and lasted until the nation achieved independence in 1964. Throughout this period, Gżira and its neighboring areas witnessed significant urban development and the establishment of various facilities. Gżira was a hub of social activity, boasting several renowned bars such as the Snake Pit, Britannia, and the Granada, most of which were situated along or in proximity to the Strand. These establishments thrived due to the presence of the British Service, but their economic vitality dwindled with the departure of the British from Malta on March 31, 1979, marking the end of an era and transforming the landscape and character of Gżira.

Gzira Today

In recent years, Gżira has experienced a notable revival, becoming a hub for various businesses, hotels, restaurants, financial institutions, legal firms, online betting companies, real estate, and offices. This transformation has taken place within a diverse and multicultural community of residents. Population growth has caused a real estate boom over the past few decades, resulting in new apartment buildings replacing older structures. It has led to changes in the character and appeal of the seafront houses, although traditional Maltese facades with wooden balconies (known as Gallarija) and curved wrought-iron balconies can still be found in the heart of Gżira. 

Gzira United

The residents of Gzira are huge football fans. The city has its own football club – Gzira United Football Club. It was founded in 1947 and after earning promotion to the Maltese Premier League, the club entered into a sponsorship deal with JEEP, a renowned global SUV brand. As part of this agreement, they organized events for the local community. During the 2016–17 season, the club made its debut in the BOV Premier League, finishing in the 7th position. The subsequent season, 2017–18, saw the team achieve a notable 3rd place finish, granting them the opportunity to participate in the UEFA Europa League for the first time. The success continued into the 2018–19 season, as Gżira once again secured a 3rd place finish, ensuring their participation in the Europa League for the subsequent season.

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